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Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2017
About the MQItoken Project I promise that I will be 100% honest about the MQItoken project I started on December 13th, 2017, from the definitive desition to provide my family with a safely and a lovely place to live a normal life on this planet. The MQItoken project is the starting of my family's pursuit of the happiness by emigrating from Venezuela. Let me explain more about the MQItoken project: Pedro Perez is my pseudonym I do not use my real name for the safety of my family in Venezuela. I do have a spouse and two very young daughters whom I desperately want to povide with a safety and lovely destination once I can pay all the expenses for the expatriation process. If Satoshi Nakamoto used a pseudonym when he (or she, or a group of person) created the Bitcoin... I can do it also! Why not? MQI means " M e  Q uiero  I r" "Me Quiero Ir" conveys (in Spanish) the desperate desire to abandone a place. That is the most common phrase that you will h